Monday 8 August 2011

Rainbow Rice

 I am working on my rainbow sensory tub to begin this year and as its base, I decided to put in some rainbow rice. I used the tubes of watercolour paints for this job. To about three cups of rice, I added one tube of rice and a little bit of water! I baked the rice at 200 degrees for about five minutes just to evaporate the liquid! It was a bit time-consuming but the results were great! 

 Cheap watercolour tubes from the dollar store. Only cost 1.99!

Here are some shots of the process!

 Step 1 - Add tube of watercolours. Add one tbsp of water.

Step 2. Mix the rice until the colour is evenly distributed. It takes a few minutes to achieve uniform colour. I love this vibrant blue!

Step 3 - Line a pan with foil. Bake the rice in a 200 degree oven just until the moisture has dried..only about five minutes! Stir a few times!

Final result! This was after making red and green rainbow rice!

John and I added some alphabet beads to the rice and he enjoyed trying to take them out in order with some tweezers. This is great for fine motor skills and improving the small muscles of the fingers. I am planning on adding some other rainbow items like strips of tissue, coloured beads, pompoms, feathers and maybe some marbles too! I hope the kids love it!

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